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How to Apply

Dear applicants!

Thank you for choosing our online education program!

Chat for entrants
Join the telegram chat we've created for quick answers to questions and solutions to enrollment challenges that arise
Russian entrants 
  • Step  1:  Registration in the personal cabinet of the applicant

    As of today, registration in the personal cabinet of the applicant is closed. The enrollment trajectory is for information only.

    To get access to your personal account, you need to fill out a form:

    или here → “Get login and password”

    Within an hour, you will receive an email with your login and password to the email address specified during registration.

  • Step  2:  Fill out an application

    Note to self:

    In Step 5. "Select an educational program" you must select:

    • city of Moscow;
    • direction "01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics";
    • ONLINE Master's of Data Science program

     Admission to the program is through a portfolio competition, BUT attach a letter of motivation at the application stage

     In Step 8. "Selecting Entrance Test Dates" you need to select the date and time of the exam. You can change them later if necessary.

    The field "Dormitory required for the time of entrance exams" is not filled in. 
Entrance tests for the program are held in the online format.

     There is no need to send the original diploma!
    All admission procedures for the program are completely online.

You may take an exam in any of these time slots, but beware that you have only one attempt.

Learn more about exam preparation.


First wave

April 23: 11:00 and 19:00

May 28: 11:00 and 19:00

Second wave

June 11 and 25: 11:00 and 19:00

July 8 and 22: 11:00 and 19:00

Third wave

August 2: 11:00 and 19:00

August 16: 11:00 and 19:00

Step-by-step instructions for the applicant

Step-by-step instructions for the applicant (DOCX, 1,37 Мб)

Change the time of passing the entrance test

To change the day and time of passing the entrance test, fill out the form. Within one working day you will receive a confirmation of the new registration by e-mail.


Registration for Russian applicants

Registration for Foreign applicants

  • STEP 1. Fill in the Form

    To get access to your account you need to fill out “Get login and password form”. 

    You will receive a login and password to sign in in an hour.

    Next, you need to fill out the full application form.

    Pay attention:

    • You also need to choose the date of the exam. You can change it and the time of the exam afterwards.
    • Also you do not need a dormitory as you apply for the online programme.
    • In the "Choose a direction/programme" field, you must select the "Master in Data Sciences" programme, otherwise, the application will not be submitted to the office of our program for consideration!
  • STEP 2. Choose a program for a Master's degree competition

    It is necessary to click on the green field, fill in the required fields, and select the programme "Master of Data Sciences".

    "Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences"

    "Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences"

  • STEP 3. Fill out and sign the following documents

    1. CONSENT for Personal Data Processing 

    Consent for Personal Data Processing (PDF, 407 Кб)

    SAMPLE Consent for Personal Data Processing (PDF, 79,13 Мб)

     2. AGREEMENT between Participants of Electronic Communications

    Agreement between Participants of Electronic Communications (PDF, 678 Кб)

    Sample Agreement between Participants of Electronic Communications (PDF, 98,03 Мб)


    ! Please find the sample and the blank form below:

    Admission form 

    Admission form sample

    4. Enrolment Consent Form

    ! This form is required to fill only after successfully compleating the exam

    Enrollment agreement (PDF, 181 Кб)


    If you choose "Russian language" as the language of your communication, please fill these documents in Russian language. You can find them here


    ! You do need to upload Enrolment Consent Form once the results of examination were published.

  • STEP 4. Attach scans of signed documents to your account immediately during/after registration

    Scans of signed documents must be attached to the main package of documents in your account (together with the application, which is generated automatically).

    ! Moreover make sure that you have uploaded scans of your passport, SNILS and diploma.

  • STEP 5. Pass the entrance exam

    Learn more about exam preparation. "Master of Data Sciences"

  • STEP 6. Conclude a contract

    Submit an Enrolment Consent Form and begin the procedure for the conclusion of the contract no later than the 23th of August.

  • STEP 7. Send hard copies of your signed documents from STEP 3

    1. Send the documents no later than the 23th of August mds@hse.ru .

    2. ! Send the same documents by postal services BEFORE the start of the study.





    Pokrovsky boulevard, 11


    Faculty of Computer Science 

    Online Master of Data Science

    ! For those living in Moscow, documents can be brought to the same address in an envelope (it is necessary to sign the envelope in the same way as when sending mail) and leave it in an HSE University Front Office (Entrance No. 2).

  • STEP 1. Fill in the Form

    To get access to your account you need to fill out “Get login and password form”. 

    You will receive a login and password to sign in in an hour.

    Next, you need to fill out the full application form.

    Pay attention:

    • You must choose the date and time of the entrance exam in the form. They can be changed afterwards.
    • Also you do not need a dormitory as you apply for the online programme.
    • In the "Choose a direction/programme" field, you must select the "Master in Data Sciences" programme, otherwise, the application will not be submitted to the office of our program for consideration!
  • STEP 2. Choose a program for a Master's degree competition

    You need to fill the data step by step.

    Note that at step 7 you need to choose "Master of Data Science" Programme, which is in "Applied Mathematics and Informatics (01.04.02)" in Moscow campus.

    Also you do not need a dormitory as you apply for the online programme.

  • STEP 3. Fill out and sign the following documents

    1. CONSENT for Personal Data Processing 

    Consent for Personal Data Processing (PDF, 407 Кб)

    SAMPLE Consent for Personal Data Processing (PDF, 79,13 Мб)

     2. AGREEMENT between Participants of Electronic Communications

    Agreement between Participants of Electronic Communications (PDF, 678 Кб)

    Sample Agreement between Participants of Electronic Communications (PDF, 98,03 Мб)


    ! Please find the sample and the blank form below:

    Admission form 

    Admission form sample

    4. Enrolment Consent Form

    ! This form is required to fill only after successfully compleating the exam

    Enrollment agreement (PDF, 181 Кб)


    If you choose "Russian language" as the language of your communication, please fill these documents in Russian language. You can find them here


    ! You do need to upload Enrolment Consent Form once the results of examination were published.

  • STEP 4. Attach scans of signed documents to your account immediately during/after registration

    Scans of signed documents must be uploaded to your personal account in the "Other achievements" / "Portfolio" section. "Portfolio" section.

    "Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences""Master of Data Sciences"

  • STEP 5. Pass the portfolio competition

  • STEP 6. Conclude a contract

    Submit an Enrolment Consent Form and begin the procedure for the conclusion of the contract no later than the 23th of August.

  • STEP 7. Send hard copies of your signed documents from STEP 3

    1. Send the documents no later than the 23th of August mds@hse.ru .

    2. ! Send the same documents by postal services BEFORE the start of the study.





    Pokrovsky boulevard, 11


    Faculty of Computer Science 

    Online Master of Data Science

    ! For those living in Moscow, documents can be brought to the same address in an envelope (it is necessary to sign the envelope in the same way as when sending mail) and leave it in an HSE University Front Office (Entrance No. 2).

If you have any questions, contact us online.cs@hse.ru